Our Team & Fellows
We are so excited to connect with you. Please reach out, we'll be delighted to meet you.
DeAmon Harges
Co-Founder, Roving Listener
DeAmon Harges
Co-Founder, Roving Listener
Co-founder of the Center for Transformative Neighborhoods at Trinity Christian College. A Chicago native, he is a faculty member of the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD)
Institute, community organizer, creator of the Learning Tree, chairperson of the Grassroots Grantmakers
Association Board, and featured in the new documentary “The Antidote: On Kindness in America.” He is a
frequent speaker on ABCD in secular and religious groups around the world. De’Amon's role is to listen
and discover the gifts, passions, and dreams of citizens in his community, and to find ways to utilize them
to build community, economy, and mutual “delight.” De’Amon now describes his role on this planet as a
social banker. He utilizes the intangible currencies that are cultivated and used by human assets and
relationships to build a more abundant community.
Coté Soerens
Co-founder, Strategy Designer & Visual Thinking Facilitator
Coté Soerens
Co-founder, Strategy Designer & Visual Thinking Facilitator
A social innovator and entrepreneur, Cote brings decades of experience in human-centered design of community-led initiatives meant to transform systems such as education, mental health, and the built environment. Her work has focused in place-making in redlined neighborhoods, with ventures such as Resistencia Coffee in Seattle, and grassroots led infrasructure projects in equitable development. As a mental health professional Cote created Puentes Seattle, an immigrant focused effort to redesign mental health services to be more accessible and relevant to immigrant families in WA State. An immigrant from Chile and Chicago resident, she’s led a number of place-based initiatives aimed at fostering equitable development and developing pathways for shared economies.
- Email:csoerens@trnty.edu
Madeleine Spencer
Fellow, PlacemakingUS
Madeleine Spencer
Fellow, PlacemakingUS
With dual Master's degrees in Counseling Psychology and Community Psychology, Liberation Psychology,
Indigenous Psychology, and Eco-Psychology, her academic pursuits harmonize with hands-on community
projects. Madeleine have led a business improvement district, created economic pipelines, power maps
and citywide communication strategies. Driven by a love for community, arts, culture, and sustainability,
She looks forward to sharing a vibrant mosaic of placemaking endeavors we've encountered and